Creating A Typed Document


    Creating A Typed Document

    Typed Documents are simple to create and follow the same name and terminology as the implementation guides.

    The entire document could be created in one loop as opposed to mirroring the loop structures for a specific implementation guide.


    Typed5010Document sampleEDIFile = new Typed5010Document(); //Or Typed4010Document
    // Puts the correct number of segments/headers/transaction in X12 SE, GE, and IEA segments
    sampleEDIFile.AutoPlaceCorrectNumOfSegments = true;
    sampleEDIFile.AutoPlaceNumOfTransactions = true;
    sampleEDIFile.AutoPlaceNumOfFunctionalGroups = true;
    sampleEDIFile.PadISAElementValues = true;
    // Create an interchance loop. This loop will contain all other loops in the EDI structure
    DocumentLoop interchangeHeader = sampleEDIFile.MainSection.CreateLoop(“Interchange Header”);
    // Create an ISA segment in the interchange loop
    ISA isa = interchangeHeader.CreateSegment<ISA>();
    isa.AuthorizationInformationQualifier = “00”;
    isa.AuthorizationInformation = “”;
    isa.SecurityInformationQualifier = “00”;
    isa.SecurityInformation = “”;
    isa.InterchangeIDQualifier1 = “ZZ”;
    isa.InterchangeSenderID = “InterchangeSenderID”;
    isa.InterchangeIDQualifier2 = “ZZ”;
    isa.InterchangeReceiverID = “InterchangeReceiverID”;
    isa.InterchangeDate = “150303”;
    isa.InterchangeTime = “1804”;
    isa.RepetitionSeparator = “^”;
    isa.InterchangeControlVersionNumber = “00501”;
    isa.InterchangeControlNumber = “1”;
    isa.AcknowledgmentRequested = “1”;
    isa.InterchangeUsageIndicator = “P”;
    isa.ComponentElementSeparator = “:”;
    // Now create the function header section
    DocumentLoop functionalHeader = interchangeHeader.CreateLoop(“Functional Header”);
    GS gs = functionalHeader.CreateSegment<GS>();
    gs.FunctionalIdentifierCode = “HC”;
    gs.ApplicationSenderCode = “ApplicationSenderCode”;
    gs.ApplicationReceiverCode = “ApplicationReceiverCode”;
    gs.Date = “20150303”;
    gs.Time = “1424”;
    gs.GroupControlNumber = “1234”;
    gs.ResponsibleAgencyCode = “X”;
    gs.VersionReleaseIndustryIdentifierCode = “005010X222”;
    // Create a transaction header loop
    DocumentLoop transactionHeader = functionalHeader.CreateLoop(“Transaction Header”);
    ST st = transactionHeader.CreateSegment<ST>();
    st.TransactionSetIdentifierCode = “837”;
    st.TransactionSetControlNumber = “1”;
    st.ImplementationConventionReference = “005010X222”;
    // Add an BHT segment to the transaction header loop
    BHT bht = transactionHeader.CreateSegment<BHT>();
    bht.HierarchicalStructureCode = “0019”;
    bht.TransactionSetPurposeCode = “00”;
    bht.ReferenceIdentification = “44445”;
    bht.Date = “20040213”;
    bht.Time = “0345”;
    // Create the end of the transaction (SE segment). This must be done in a loop.
    DocumentLoop endOfTransactionLoop = transactionHeader.CreateLoop(“End Of Transaction”);
    SE se = endOfTransactionLoop.CreateSegment<SE>();
    se.TransactionSetControlNumber = “1”;
    se.NumberOfIncludedSegments = “3”;
    // Create the end of the functional group (GE segment). This must be done in a loop.
    DocumentLoop endOfFunctionalGroupLoop = functionalHeader.CreateLoop(“End Functional Group”);
    GE ge = endOfFunctionalGroupLoop.CreateSegment<GE>();
    ge.GroupControlNumber = “11234”;
    ge.NumberOfTransactionSetsIncluded = “1”;
    // Finally create the end of the interchange loop (IEA segment). This must be done in a loop.
    DocumentLoop endInterchangeSection = interchangeHeader.CreateLoop(“End Interchange”);
    IEA iea = endInterchangeSection.CreateSegment<IEA>();
    iea.InterchangeControlNumber = “123”;
    iea.NumberOfIncludedFunctionalGroups = “1”;
    // Generate the EDI file
    string ediData = sampleEDIFile.ToEDIString(newDelimiters()); 
    // There is also a GenerateEDIFile() method to write directly to a file
    in Typed Documents
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