Adding Formats


    Formats enables data elements to only accept data in a given format. For example a data element might need to accept social security numbers in the traditional xxx-xx-xxxx format or xxxxxxxxx. Or a data element might only accept dates as YYYYMMDD etc. Formats enable you to accomplish this. If the element data does not match the format an error will be generated.

    Adding a Format

    • On the FORMATS tab in the main screen click on the NEW button

    The New Format dialog will appear.

    • Enter a name for the new format in the Format Name field
    • Enter the Pattern for the format. The pattern must be a valid .net regular expression
    • You can select a pre-defined format from the Predefined Formats combo box
    • Click on the SAVE button to save the new format. Now you can assign this format to a data element

    Applying a Format

    Select a loop segment from the EDI File Structure, right click, and select Edit Segment.

    The Set Format screen will appear to enable you to configure the format for element 9 of segment NM1.

    You will see 4 columns

    Type: (Dependent or Independent)

    • Dependant means that the element’s format will depend on the value of another element in the segment. Independent means that the element’s format will apply to this element regardless.
    • Element#: If type is Dependent then this is the element ordinal # (1,2,3,4 etc) in the segment that the selected element’s format will depend on.
    • ElementValue: If type is Dependent then this is the value the element in Element# must have for the format to apply;
    • Format: This is just the element format. You can select it from a list or right click on the list to add your own.


    First Row

    • The Type is dependant so that means the format of element 9 will depend on the value of another element in the same segment
    • Element# has a value of 8 entered. This means that the format will depend on the value of element 8 in this segment
    • ElementValue has a value of 24. This means that element 9 will use the SOCIALSECURITY format when element 8 has a value of 24

    Second Row

    • The Type is dependant so that means the format of element 9 will depend on the value of another element in the same segment
    • Element# has a value of 8 entered. This means that the format will depend on the value of element 8 in this segment
    • ElementValue has a value of 34. This means that element 9 will use the EIN format when element 8 has a value of 34.

    Click SAVE to save the element format

    in Element Formatting and Rules
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