EDI Document Viewer

View EDI Data Correctly

EDIDocumentViewer is a high performance, low memory UI component that displays EDI documents in a hierarchical fashion.  It supports both large and small EDI documents without sacrificing performance or memory.  Data is loaded and unloaded on demand so memory footprint remains low.

Main Features



Drill down into EDI data with the click of a button.  Perfect for either viewing EDI documents or viewing validated data.  Loop, segment and element nodes are easily distinguishable from each other.  Data element values as are displayed in brackets as well.  An event is also raised when an EDI node is selected.

EDIDocumentViewer has so far been test on 128MB size EDI files.  Performance did not decrease and user interaction was snappy with no noticeable lag.

The Code

EDIDocument sampleEDIFile = new EDIDocument("C:\\EDIDoc.txt");
// Create your EDI documents loops, segments an elements here
// Load the data into the EDIDocumentViewer.